
Keep electronic copies of signed T183 forms in DoxCycle

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) recently announced that electronic filers can now keep a scanned version of the original T183 form signed by the taxpayer. Use DoxCycle to make this process seamless in your practice.

CRA requirements

If an electronic filer chooses to retain scanned versions of these forms, they must adhere to the requirements of Section 230 of the Income Tax Act by ensuring a minimum level of resolution in an electronically readable format, as the scanned version is considered a "record". Electronic filers must ensure that the manner of storage does not in any way change the information contained in the signed version of the T183 form provided by the taxpayer. The electronic filer and the taxpayer must retain either a scanned or paper version of the T183 form for six years from the end of the taxation year that the form relates to.

How to scan T183s into DoxCycle

  1. If you haven't already set up a DoxCycle file for your client, choose one of the methods in the Create a DoxCycle PDF help topic to quickly create a DoxCycle file that is linked to the client's TaxCycle file.
    Click TaxLink button in TaxCycle
  2. Open the client's file in DoxCycle and click the Scan button (or press F7). For other ways to start a scan from DoxCycle, read the Scan source documents help topic
  3. If your client scanned the document and sent it back to you, drag and drop it onto the DoxCycle window to import the file. Did you know if you hover over a taxpayer's, then over the Miscellaneous category, you can drop it right onto the T183 document type to make classification even easier? For other ways to import documents into DoxCycle, read the Import source documents help topic.
    Scan or import a T183
  4. DoxCycle doesn't automatically add an issuer, but one tip to track signed T183 documents is to change the document name to Signed so that you can quickly spot it if you need it. You can do this using the Page Assistant bar at the top of the form (see the Page Assistant help topic), or by clicking twice, slowly, on the document name in the sidebar. 
    Signed T183 document name