
Auto-Update Files

Configure TaxCycle to automatically update from a location on your office network or on the web (URL).

Download the latest auto-update file from the list, then follow the instructions (below) to set the update location.

This release includes updates to TaxCycle T1, T2 and T5013. It also adds SERs filing support for individuals using EFILE in TaxCycle Forms.

Release Notes

Download Auto-Update Files

This release adds the 2024 T1/TP1 module with forms in preview mode, rates and calculations for 2024 personal tax returns. It also updates the T5013 module for 2024.

Release Notes

Download Auto-Update Files

This certified release of TaxCycle T2 and AT1 extends the supported corporate tax year ends up to October 31, 2024. It also updates the CO-1029.8.36.II and CO-1029.8.36.IK to include changes from Québec’s mini budget from November 7, 2023.

Release Notes

Download Auto-Update Files

Set up each computer (one-time configuration)

  1. Go to Options. (To open Options from the Start screen, click Options on the left side. If you have a file open, go to the File menu, then click Options.)
  2. On the left side of the dialog box, click Auto-update.
  3. On the right side of the dialog box, select Custom.
  4. Browse to set the Path for custom update. This can be a location on your network (remember to enter the path as a UNC path), or a website (url). For example: \\mycomputer\sharedfolder or
  5. Click OK to save the changes.

Screen Capture: Auto-Update Options

Publish the auto-update file (after each software release)

  1. Download the auto-update file from the list above.
  2. Unzip the file to the shared folder on your network. This puts the two update files in the folder: Director.Xml and (or an equivalent version number). These two files must be in the folder for the update to work.
  3. When a new version is released, replace the Director.xml file and add the new version-number zip file. The old zip file from the previous update is not required and can be safely deleted.

Screen Capture: Auto-update file in Windows Explorer