
TaxCycle Start Screen

Updated: 2024-06-27

Screen: Tour of the Start Screen

  1. Click on a tax module to view actions related to that module. TaxCycle remembers the last module chosen for the next time. During the summer, we release a preview module for T1 returns that is not certified for electronic filing. When the latest module is in preview, a banner appears on the icon. Banners also show if you run a trial of a module or do not have a license for the module. You can hide unlicensed modules from Start Screen Options, below.
  2. Depending on the module you select, different options allow you to create, carry forward, or open a return. Actions for current-year files show on the left:
    • Carry forward and Link brings forward a prior year T1 return and creates a DoxCycle file at the same time.
    • Carry forward creates a new file from the prior year, inserting the carry forward amounts.
    • Open browses your computer to open an existing file.
    • New creates a blank return.
    • Carry forward and Plan creates a planning return from the prior year, copying all data into the current year.
  3. Actions for prior-year files show on the right. See the Prior-Year Returns help topic.
  4. Click on a name in the list of Recent clients to reopen the file. See the Recent Files help topic.
  5. Type something (name, keyword, etc.) in the search box and press Enter to search for files in the Client Manager. Learn more in the Client Manager Search help topic.
  6. Choose which modules to show on the Start screen. By default, TaxCycle shows all modules. Hide unlicensed and trial modules if you prefer.
  7. Select an Options Profile from the drop-down menu. See the Options Profile help topic.
  8. The Recent sidebar shows you the clients and returns you last worked on and provides their status at a glance. See the Recent Files help topic.
  9. Open Options to set default folders, options for new files, printing, billing, EFILE, etc.
  10. Click Template Editor to open the template editor window.
  11. Click Data Mining to open the Data Mining window.
  12. Click Help and then click on My Account to see or update your license information.
  13. Click Send Feedback to tell us what you think of TaxCycle.
  14. Click on a News headline to read the full post on our blog. This is where we announce updates, issues, webinars, and more.
  15. The Support section displays the version number, license information and links to release notes, documentation, YouTube videos, our online community and social media. When an automatic software update becomes available, it also shows here. Follow the instructions to download and install the update.
  16. By default, the sidebar is unpinned, so it opens only when you hover your cursor over it. Pin the sidebar so it stays open or closed, as you last left it.
  17. Move the sidebar to the other side of the window, depending on your preference.

Start Screen Options

TaxCycle has a few options so you can configure the Start screen to your liking. For example, you can choose to hide modules for which you don’t have a license, or adjust the number of prior-year module columns that show by default (you may want to always see all of them if you work on a big screen).

  1. In the blue bar on the left of the Start screen, click on Options.
  2. On the left of the Options dialog box, click on Start Screen.
  3. By default, TaxCycle remembers which module you last used on the Start screen and opens to display that module. If you prefer to show the T1 module by default when opening TaxCycle, clear the check box in options.
  4. Choose how many rows of prior-year modules to show in each column on the Start screen.
  5. Choose which modules to show on the Start screen. By default, TaxCycle shows all modules. Hide unlicensed and trial modules if you prefer.
  6. In the summer, we release preview versions of next year’s modules. If you prefer to hide these versions from the Start Screen and when opening files, check the box next to the module. The prior-year (current) module becomes the default module with the large icon on the start screen. The newer module will show in the list on the right. On January 1, the default reverts to the latest year until the next preview module becomes available.
  7. By default, pressing the Alt key will show the next key to press to access a function on the Ribbon. Clear this check box to disable this feature.
  8. By default, the news feed shows on the Start screen when starting TaxCycle. If you prefer, you can show a link to manually load the feed later, or hide the news altogether.
  9. By default, the news feed includes messages from certain Canada Revenue Agency feeds. For example, notices from the CRA web about outages to the corporation internet filing show automatically together with TaxCycle news. Topics are sorted by date with the most recent item at the top.
  10. If you wish to include news from a third-party news feed, add the full URL to that RSS feed.
  11. By default, when you hover your mouse over a name in the Recent files list, TaxCycle displays workflow status information. To disable this feature, clear the check box.

Screen Capture: Start Screen Options