
Payments Worksheet

Updated: 2024-05-14

Use the Payments worksheet to enter and manage payment information for your client invoice. Enter charges on the Billing worksheet

Screen Capture: Payments Worksheet

  1. The Invoice number flows from the invoice number field on the Billing worksheet. TaxCycle completes the Billing worksheet based on settings in the invoice options and price options.
  2. The Invoice total shows the sum of all charges entered on the Billing worksheet.
  3. Enter the Payment Date for each payment.
  4. Select the Method of payment for each payment from the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter the Payment amount for each payment.
  6. The Balance Owing field shows the outstanding amount after payment.
  7. TaxCycle stamps the worksheet with a “Paid” or “Overpaid” watermark if the balance owing is zero or negative. The watermark also appears on the Billing worksheet and the client invoice template.