
Create a DoxCycle PDF From TaxCycle (TaxLink)

Updated: 2024-01-09

  1. Open DoxCycle.
  2. Open a tax return in TaxCycle and view the return of the taxpayer, spouse, dependant or organization for whom you want to create a PDF.
  3. Click the TaxLink button and select Create. (Use this option if you want to create separate PDF files for spouse and dependants. See the Link DoxCycle and TaxCycle files help topic for tips on how to do this.)
  4. To create a file for all family members in a TaxCycle T1 file—principal taxpayer, spouse, and any dependants with full returns—click the TaxLink button and select Create family file.
  5. Save (Ctrl+S) in TaxCycle and in DoxCycle to retain the link between the two files.

Screen Capture: TaxLink Button