
NAICS Industry Code Selection Tool

Updated: 2023-02-28

To open the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) industry code selection tool, first put your cursor in a field that requires an industry code. For example, on the T2125.

Screen Capture: Industry Code Field on T2125

  1. Press F6 to open the NAICS industry code selection tool.
  2. Type keywords to narrow the list of codes and description.
  3. Click on a code.
  4. Review the detailed description.
  5. Scroll to see the full text.
  6. Words matching your search terms show in bold.
  7. Click the blue links to jump to a related code.
  8. Click OK to insert the code in the field and close the dialog box.
  9. Click Cancel to close the dialog box without inserting the code in the field.

Screen Capture: North American Industry Classification System