
Addresses and Phone Numbers

Updated: 2020-05-15

Phone number

  1. Place parentheses ( ) around the field code, within the double braces {{ }} (curly brackets).
  2. Add format in front of the opening parenthesis ( (do not leave any space between it and the parentheses).
Example Sample result
{{ CurrentClient.Info.Address.HomePhone }} 555555555
{{ format(CurrentClient.Info.Address.HomePhone) }} (555) 555-5555


  1. Place parentheses ( ) around the field code, within the double braces {{ }} (curly brackets).
  2. Add abbreviate in front of the opening parenthesis ( (do not leave any space between it and the parentheses).
Examples Sample result
{{ CurrentClient.Info.Address.Province }} Ontario
{{ abbreviate(CurrentClient.Info.Address.Province) }} ON

Postal code

  1. Place parentheses ( ) around the field code, within the double braces {{ }} (curly brackets).
  2. Add format in front of the opening parenthesis ( (do not leave any space between it and the parentheses).
Example Sample result
{{ CurrentClient.Info.Address.PostalCode }} H0H0H0
{{ format(CurrentClient.Info.Address.PostalCode) }} H0H 0H0