
Review Messages

Updated: 2023-05-15

Review messages show in the Review sidebar (F9) and in fields when you hover over them. 

Screen Capture: Review Message on Field

  1. By default, fields with review messages have a yellow background. (You can disable the background highlighting for error fields in Review Options.)
  2. The colour of the triangle in the corner indicates the severity of the issue, with red being the most critical messages.
  3. Hover your cursor over a field to see a pop-up with the message. Move your cursor off the field to hide the message again.
  4. Click the icon on the left side of the message to jump to the Review sidebar and change the view to show a list of all messages of that type. (See the list of icons and message types.)
  5. Click a blue link in a message to apply a Quick Fix solution.
  6. You can sign off non-critical review messages. Click the check mark on the right to sign off as a first review. Click it again to apply a second review. Click a third time to remove the review mark and reactivate the message.

Review Message Icons

Icons on review messages also provide information about the type and severity of the message:

Bulletin Icon Bulletin
Messages affecting the entire file. They also show in the grey bar above open forms.
Critical Message Critical Message
Errors in the return. These cannot be signed off.
CRA Filling Message CRA Filing Error
Required to file with CRA.
Errors that prevent electronic filing.
Caution Caution
Warnings that require review.
Question Suggestion
Optional messages of changes to make to the return.
Tape Tape in the field.
Memo Memo in the field.
Variance Variance
Field varies from the selected snapshot.
Field contains an override.
AgriStability/AgriInvest message AgriStability/AgriInvest
Required for T2 AGRI EFILE.
T1134 Icon T1134 Error
Required to EFILE a T1134.
T106 Icon T106 Error
Required to EFILE a T106.
Québec icon Québec Error
Required to file a Québec return.
Alberta wild rose icon Alberta AT1 Error
Required to file Alberta AT1.
Alberta Wild Rose Net File Icon Alberta AT1 Net File Error
Required to EFILE an Alberta AT1.