
TaxCycle T3

Trust Tax Returns

Screen Capture: T3-RET return and EFILE

TaxCycle T3 includes virtually every form you need to prepare slips and tax returns for Canadian trusts, including Québec TP-646 returns and RL-16 slips, and NR4 slips for non-resident trust beneficiaries (code 11). See the full list of T3 forms  

EFILE eligible federal T3RET returns with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Transmit T3, NR4 and Québec RL-16 slips. Also includes T1135 EFILE. See the full list of e-services  

TaxCycle T3 is included in the Complete Tax Suite. It is also available as a standalone module. See pricing  

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TaxCycle far exceeds the software I used. The software is flexible and we can adapt it to our needs!

Abdelmajid Bour
Abdelmajid Bour CPA, CGA | Accountant | ASW Services Comptables
Laval, Québec

Tools for trust returns

Create a T3 from a T1

Effortlessly transfer taxpayer data from a TaxCycle T1/TP1 personal tax return into a TaxCycle T3/TP-646 trust return in a single click.

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Flexible allocation

Enter beneficiary information on T3 slips, the Beneficiary worksheet or the Allocation worksheet. Then, distribute income on the Schedule 9 worksheet.

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Québec TP-646 and RL-16

Seamless integration between federal and provincial forms makes it simple to prepare and file Québec TP-646 returns and RL-16 slips.

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T3 EFILE and slip filing

Electronically file T3RET, T3RCA, T3ATH-IND, T3M and T3S returns. Transmit T3 and NR4 slips through CRA Internet File Transfer (XML).

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NR4 Slip Preparation

Prepare (code 11) NR4 slips for non-resident trust beneficiaries right in TaxCycle T3, without jumping to a separate slips module.

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SlipSync with T1 returns

Prepare T3 slips, then publish them to SlipSync. When you start a T1 return for one of the slip recipients, TaxCycle prompts you to import the slip data.

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Forms and features

Number of returns Unlimited
Number of slips Unlimited
Federal T3 returns 2014 onward
Québec TP-646 returns 2017 onward
TaxCycle T3  
ProFile® T3  
Cantax® FormMaster  
Taxprep® T3  
CRA Internet File Transfer (XML) for T3 slips, T3RET, T3P, T3ATH-IND, T3M, T3S and T2000  
Business Authorization/Cancellation Request (formerly RC59 and RC59X)  
AuthRepBus signature page  
T3RET — T3 Trust Income Tax and Information Return  
T1135 — Foreign Income Verification Statement  
MR-69 — Authorization to Communicate Information or Power of Attorney (Québec)  
TP-646 — Trust Income Tax Return  
ELetter — Engagement letter  
T3Ben — T3 Allocations and Designations to a Beneficiary  
Allocation — Beneficiary Allocation  
Beneficiary — Beneficiary Information  
T3 — Statement of Trust Income Allocations and Designations  
T3SlipSummary — Summary of Trust Income Allocations and Designations  
NR4 — Statement of Amounts Paid or Credited to Non-Residents of Canada  
T3 — Statement of Trust Income  
RL-16 — Trust Income (Québec)  
T5 — Statement of Investment Income  
T5008 — Statement of Securities Transactions  
T5013 — Statement of Partnership Income  
T101 — Statement of Resource Expenses  
Foreign Income  
T3RET — T3 General  
T3P — Employees' Pension Plan Income Tax Return  
T3-RCA — Retirement Compensation Arrangement (RCA) Part XI.3 Tax Return  
T3ATH-IND — Amateur Athlete Trust Income Tax Return  
T3FFT — Federal Foreign Tax Credits  
T3GR — Group Income Tax and Information Return for RRSP, RRIF, RESP, or RDSP Trusts  
T3GR-WS — Worksheet for Part XI.1 Tax on Non-Qualified Property of an RRSP, RRIF, or RESP trust  
T3M — Environmental Trust Income Tax Return  
T3PRP — T3 Pooled Registered Pension Plan Tax Return  
T3RI — Registered Investment Income Tax Return  
T3S — Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plan Income Tax Return  
T3SIFTWS — SIFT (specified investment flow-through) Worksheet  
T1061 — Canadian Amateur Athlete Trust Group Information Return  
T2000 — Calculation of Tax on Agreements to Acquire Shares (section 207.1(5) of the Income Tax Act)  
T244 — Registered Pension Plan Annual Information Return  
S1A — Capital Gains on Gifts of Certain Capital Property  
S1M — Capital property disposition manager  
S1 — Dispositions of Capital Property  
S2 — Reserves on Dispositions of Capital Property  
S3 — Eligible Taxable Capital Gains  
S4 — Cumulative Net Investment Loss  
S7 — Pension Income Allocations and Designations  
S8 — Statement of Investment Income  
S9 — Income Allocations and Designations to Beneficiaries  
S10 — Part XII.2 Tax and Part XIII Non-Resident Withholding Tax  
S11 — Federal Tax  
S11A — Donations and Gifts Tax Credit Calculation  
S12 — Minimum Tax  
S15 — Beneficial Ownership Information of a Trust  
T184 — Capital Gains Refund to a Mutual Fund Trust  
T1055 — Summary of Deemed Dispositions  
T2223 — Election to Defer Payment of Income Tax  
Provincial Tax and Credits: T3AB, T3BC, T3MB, T3NB, T3NL, T3NS, T3NT, T3NU, T3ON, T3PE, T3SK, T3YT  
T3MJ — Provincial and Territorial Taxes, Multiple Jurisdictions  
T1129 — Newfoundland and Labrador Research and Development Tax Credit  
T1232 — Yukon Research and Development Tax Credit  
T1241 — Manitoba Mineral Exploration Tax Credit  
T3PFT — Provincial Foreign Tax Credits  
Info — Trust Information  
Engagement — Engagement Information  
CustomFields — Custom Fields Worksheet  
Workflow — Workflow Summary  
ABIL — Allowable Business Investment Losses  
Donations — Charitable donations worksheet  
FTC — Foreign Tax Credits  
IncomeDeduction — Details of Various Income and Deduction Amounts  
Instalments Worksheet  
Interest & Late-Filing Penalty Worksheet  
Internet File Worksheet  
NetCapLoss — Net Capital Losses  
NonCapLoss — Non-Capital Losses  
Optimizations — Optimizations Worksheet  
S9Allocation — Beneficiary information  
T3ALossCB — Loss carryback worksheet  
T1163/T1273 — AgriStability Statement A, plus related CCA/asset manager worksheets, farming inventory adjustment and 5-year summary  
T1164/T1274 — AgriStability Statement B, plus related CCA/asset manager worksheets, farming inventory adjustment and 5-year summary  
T776 — Real Estate Rentals, plus related CCA/asset manager worksheets and 5-year summary  
T2042 — Farming Activities, plus related CCA/asset manager worksheets, farming inventory adjustment and 5-year summary  
T2121 — Fishing Activities, plus related CCA/asset manager worksheets, and 5-year summary  
T2125 — Business or Professional Activities, plus related CCA/asset manager worksheets, and 5-year summary  
TP-646-V — Trust Income Tax Return  
Schedule A (TPA) — TaxCycle Capital Gains and Designated Net Taxable Capital Gains  
TPASUM — Schedule A - Summary of dispostions  
Schedule B (TPB) — Investment Income, Gross-Up of Dividends Not Designated and Adjustment of Investment Expenses  
TPBSUM — Schedule B - Summary of investment income  
Schedule C (TPC) — Summary of Allocations and Designations  
Schedule D (TPD) — Carry-Back of a Loss  
Schedule E (TPE) — Income Tax on the Taxable Distributions Amount and Calculation of Eligible Dividends to Be Designated  
Schedule F (TPF) — Income Tax Payable by a Specified Trust for a Specified Immovable  
Schedule G (TPG) — Additional Information — Trust Resident in Québec That Owns a Specified Immovable  
Schedule H (TPH) — Recovery tax  
TPF-646.W — Keying Summary for the Trust Income Tax Return  
TPF-646.X — Keying Summary for Schedules A, F, G and H of the Trust Income Tax Return  
TPF-646.Y — Keying Summary for Forms TP-80-V and TP-128.F-V Filed with the Trust Income Tax Return  
TPF-646.Z — Keying Summary for Forms Filed with the Trust Income Tax Return  
TP-80 — Business or Professional Income and Expenses  
TP-128.F — Income Earned by a Trust from the Rental of Immovable Property  
TP128CCA — Rental Capital Cost Allowance  
TP-274.F — Designation of Property as a Principal Residence of a Personal Trust  
TP-653 — Deemed Sale Applicable to Certain Trusts  
TP-668.1 — Taxable Capital Gains of a Trust That Give Entitlement to a Deduction  
TP-729 — Carry-Forward of Net Capital Losses  
TP-750 — Income tax payable by a trust resident in Québec that carries on a business in Canada or outside Québec  
TP-77642 — Alternative Minimum Tax  
RL-16 — Revenus de fiducie  
TPIncomeDeductions — Details of various income and deduction amounts  
TPABIL — Québec Allowable Business Investment Losses  
TP-646 2 Year Variance Summary  
TP-646 5 Year Summary  
MR69Results — MR-69 Attachments and results  
AuthRepBus — Business Authorization/Cancellation Request (former RC59)  
AuthRepBusResults — History of Submissions and Results  
AuthRepBusCancel — Cancelling a Representative (former RC59X)  
AUT01 — Authorize a Representative for Offline Access  
MR-69-V – Power of Attorney, Authorization to Communicate Information, or Revocation   
S9Ben – Beneficiary Income Allocation Statement   
T3A — Request for Loss Carryback by a Trust  
T3ADJ — T3 Adjustment Request  
T3APP — Application for Trust Account Number  
T3DD — Direct Deposit Request for T3  
T3F — Investments Prescribed to be Qualified Information Return  
T3QDT — Joint Election for a Trust to be a Qualified Disability Trust  
T733 — Application for a Retirement Compensation Arrangement Account Number  
T735 — Application for a Remittance Number for Tax Withheld from a Retirement Compensation Arrangement (RCA)  
T1079 and T1079WS — Designation of a Property as a Principal Residence by a Personal Trust  
T1135 — Foreign Income Verification Statement  
TX19 — Asking for a Clearance Certificate  
2-Year Client Summary  
2-Year Variance Summary  
5-Year Summary  
FTCSum — Foreign Tax Summary  
StatementSum — Summary of Business, Farming, Fishing and Rental Income  
Memos — Memo Summary  
T3 Summary for Trust  
Slips — T3 Beneficiary Slip Summary  
T3RETSummary — T3 RET Summary  
Slips Summary  
Tape Summary  
Client letter  
Engagement letter  
Electronic filing confirmation templates for all transmission types  
Cover email templates for electronic signatures and client copies  
File notes