
NR4 Slips for Non-Resident Trust Beneficiaries

Updated: 2023-06-13

TaxCycle T3 only allows you to prepare NR4 slips for non-resident trust beneficiaries by using income type code 11 (trust income). To prepare NR4 slips for other types of income (such as rental income), use TaxCycle NR4.

If the beneficiary of a trust is a non-resident:

  1. Answer No in the Resident of Canada column on the Beneficiary worksheet or in the Resident of Canada field in the Beneficiary section of the individual’s T3Ben slip.
  2. New fields appear on the T3Ben slip for details specific to non-resident beneficiaries.
    Screen Capture: Choose non-resident on the T3Ben slip
  3. A new NR4 section appears further down the slip that shows the allocation of amounts to the non-resident beneficiary.
  4. You can see a preview of the NR4 slip that will print at the bottom of the form. When the rest of the return is ready, you can electronically file the NR4 slips using Internet File Transfer (XML) and print copies for the beneficiaries. Screen Capture: NR4 section and slip on the T3Ben