
T7DRA Remittance Form

Updated: 2022-04-26

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has discontinued the T7DRA pre-printed form. In its place, we have included the new printable T7DRA form in TaxCycle T1, so you can print it and give it to your clients to pay online, at their financial institution, or at a Canada Post retail outlet. 

A few things to note:

  • While the form only mentions options for online or in-person payments, it is also possible to mail this form with a payment attached to the address on the form.
  • If your client makes a payment at a financial institution, they will enter the payment in their online payments platform, selecting CRA (Revenue) 20XX tax return. Then, they will stamp the top portion on the voucher and return it to your client.
  • A QR code appears on the remittance voucher at the bottom of the form. It contains the information required to make a payment with cash or debit at a Canada Post retail outlet. 

We have retained the built-in T7DRA template for now so you can use up any supplies you have of the pre-printed forms. However, it has been renamed to T7DRA Pre-printed. See the T7DR(A) pre-printed remittance form help topic for more information.

How to complete the T7DRA

  1. If there is a balance owing on the return, TaxCycle automatically adds the balance owing on the return to the form and marks the form as used.
  2. Amounts already paid through PAD or other T7DRA forms are automatically added to the first field.
  3. The second field allows you to enter other amounts paid to the CRA by other means.
  4. TaxCycle subtracts these two values from the balance due on the return to calculate the payment on the T7DRA.
    T7DRA payments
  5. The form is part of the Client Copy print set so it prints when used in the return. When you print the T7DRA, the date is automatically entered.
  6. The form is also locked upon printing and all fields turn to green non-edit fields.
  7. The message at the top of the form provides shortcut links to unlock and update the current form or create a new form. This form is a multi-copy form; you can create as many copies as you need for your clients.
    Locked T7DRA