
Review Check Marks

Updated: 2020-07-20

Depending on the workflow you use, documents in a DoxCycle file may go through a few levels of review before they are finalized. You can use document-level check marks to track each document as it moves through the review process.

Review check marks

There are two types of check marks (handy if a preparer and partner both need to review a document):

  • Blue check marks indicate a form was reviewed once.
  • Green check marks indicate a form was checked a second time.

Sign off a document

To add a check mark:

  1. Hover your cursor near the top of the document to make the Page Assistant (a green bar) appear, then click the check mark once for a blue check mark. Click it a second time to add a green check mark.
  2. Hover your cursor to the right of a document name in the document index, and click the check mark once for a blue check mark. Click it a second time to add a green check mark. Click the check mark a third time to remove all check marks.
  3. Use the options in the Filter menu to show only pages in the index that are reviewed or require review.
