
Billing Worksheet

Updated: 2023-01-20

Invoice your directly from TaxCycle. When you are ready to invoice a client for a return, open the Billing worksheet and review the charges, then print the client invoice template.

Screen Capture: Billing Worksheet

  1. TaxCycle completes the Billing worksheet based on settings in the invoice options and price options.
  2. TaxCycle automatically enters the Invoice number when you print the invoice. You can set the next invoice number in invoice options.
  3. TaxCycle automatically enters the Invoice date when you print the invoice. Once there is an Invoice date, the Billing worksheet is locked to prevent changes. All fields show in green.
  4. To unlock the worksheet, click the link in the message at the top of the worksheet.
  5. Check the box to invoice by Schedule, or by Hour, or by both. If what you select here is different than what is set in options, a review message appears.
  6. To show a detailed list of forms on the invoice you send to the client, with charges for each form check Show details of the schedule charges on client invoice? Clear this check box to show the total of all charges.
  7. If desired, enter a Description to appear on the invoice. The text in this box is saved in the auto-complete keystroke history so it is easy to add similar descriptions in the future.
  8. Hourly fees are calculated based on the rate set in options and the hours recorded in the timer. (These only show if the Hour box is checked at the top of the form.)
  9. Per-schedule charges show how the invoice is calculated based on fees set in options. They are only itemized on the invoice if you check the box at the top of the worksheet. (These only show if the Schedule box is checked at the top of the form.)
  10. Enter Administration expenses or allow the calculation based on the percentage set in options. If a percent is set in options, the lump sum is not used (unless you override the percent field to zero).
  11. Enter Discount description (if applicable).The discount applied is either a lump sum entered in the box, or the percent as calculated by the age discount set in options. If a percent is set in options, the lump sum is not used (unless you override the percent field to zero).
  12. Add Disbursement lines for additional charges not calculated by TaxCycle.
  13. Sales tax jurisdiction and rates are set in invoice options.
  14. Upon receipt of payment, you can record the amount and payment method.
  15. Sales tax registration numbers flow from options to the bottom of the worksheet and then into the invoices.
  16. At the bottom of the worksheet, you can see the amounts charged in the prior year amounts, if you carried forward this return.
  17. If you have set up a link between TaxCycle and QuickBooks®, a message appears at the top of the worksheet with a link to export the invoice to QuickBooks®.
  18. If you have set up a link between TaxCycle and Xero®, a message appears at the top of the worksheet with a link to export the invoice to Xero®.