
Track Sidebar

Updated: 2022-05-09

Track the status of the current return in the Track sidebar. Information for all taxpayers in the file appears on the Info screen under the File menu, and—if configured—upon saving a file. See also Workflow Groups and Tasks.

  1. Tasks are grouped by stage in the preparation process. You can adjust which tasks appear in which groups in Options. A group is considered complete once all required tasks within the group are checked. (See Workflow options.)
  2. By default, TaxCycle expands the earliest group that is still in progress. You can Expand all or Collapse all groups. Click Auto-expand to return to the default state.
  3. Check the Waiting for client box for any taxpayer to flag a return that is waiting for client input.
  4. Click the comment button to add a note to a task.
  5. Automatic tasks are checked when you complete the action in the return. Check the box to complete a manual task.
  6. You can add a Due date for the entire return in the Return Completion group. Details show near the client's name when the return is overdue. You can also filter on this date in the Client Manager.
  7. Some groups and tasks only appear for the client's return if they are necessary. For example, if an adjustment to the return is required, the Rework group appears as soon as you create the T1-ADJ or other adjustment form.
Screen Capture: Track Sidebar