
File Passwords

Updated: 2020-07-22

You can add a password any TaxCycle file so that it can only be seen or opened by someone with the password.

Take special note of the following restrictions when you add a password to a file.

  • Password-protected files are NOT indexed by the Client Manager. When the Client Manager finds a password-protected file, it removes it from the database.
  • If you forget the password, it can never be retrieved—even by us! The file becomes inaccessible.
  • You will be asked for the password EVERY time you open the file. There is no way to save or store the password for future use.

Enable password protection


To enable password protection:

  1. Go to Options.
  2. On the left side of the dialog box, expand Files and folders, then click on File Settings.
  3. On the right side, scroll down.
  4. Check the box next to Allow Passwords.
  5. Click OK.


How to set a password

To set a password:

  1. Open a tax return.
  2. Go to the Protect menu.
  3. Click Add or change password
  4. Enter a password.
  5. Enter it a second time to confirm.
  6. Click OK to set the password.
  7. After adding a password, click Add or change password to update the password.
  8. Click Remove password delete the password from the file.