
TaxCycle T5018

Statement of contract payments

TaxCycle T5018

Issue T5018 slips to recipients and file the related issuer summary with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Prepare and electronically file unlimited federal T5018 slips and summaries.

TaxCycle T5018 is included in the Complete Paperless Tax Suite and the Paperless Office. It is also available as a stand-alone module.

More than just a summary

The Slips summary lists all the slips in the file. Use it as a review tool. Add review marks. Double-click to drill down to the source slip.

Email a request for missing slip info

Save time when getting ready to file. In a single click, send an email requesting information missing from the slips in the file.

Time-saving Excel® slips import

Populate our sample Excel® template with your client's slip recipient data. Then drag and drop it onto the TaxCycle window to import. 

Live preview of printed slip

Printed slips show at the bottom of each data entry page. Open a second window and watch it update when you enter data in the main TaxCycle window.

Carry forward from software or XML

Carry forward slips from prior-year ProFile® FX, Cantax® FormMaster, or Taxprep® Forms files. Or, bring in the XML file transmitted to the CRA last year.

Independent and integrated

A separate module for T5018s allows you to set specific options just for T5018 slips. Tight integration with other modules means you can create a T5018 file starting from a T2 return.

Switch to TaxCycle today

Find out for yourself why thousands of tax preparers have already switched. Get up and running in just 10 minutes with your free trial of the TaxCycle Suite. Seamlessly carry forward returns from DT Max®, Cantax®, Taxprep® and ProFile® software.

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Forms and features

Number of returns Unlimited
Federal T5018 slips and summaries   
TaxCycle T5018   
ProFile® FX  
Cantax® FormMaster  
Taxprep® Forms  
CRA Internet File Transfer (XML) for T5018 (original, amended or cancelled slips)  
Info — Transmission Information  
Engagement — Engagement Information  
Workflow — Workflow Summary  
CustomFields — Custom Fields  
InternetWS — Internet Filing Results  
T5018 — Statement of contract payments  
T5018Summary — Return of investment income  
Slips Summary  
Memo Summary  
Tape Summary  
MLetter — Missing slips email