
Form Tabs

Updated: 2020-08-19

  1. Each open form shows as a tab. Click on a tab to view the form.
  2. The form icons on each tab change based on the state of the form. See Icons and Text help topic.
  3. Click the left or right arrow to scroll through the tabs when there are more than can fit on screen.
  4. The circular symbol lists all open forms. Select one to go to the form.
  5. At the bottom of the list of open tabs, click to Save the current tabs as defaults for all new returns. Whenever you create or carry forward a return, these tabs will open by default.
  6. Click Save current tabs as review tabs. Then, when you're ready to review the return, right-click on the tab of an open form Open review tabs to see those forms.
    Screen Capture: Form Tab Icon
  7. Click the x on the tab to close the current form.
  8. Right-click on a tab and select Close tab to close the current form.
  9. Right-click on a tab of an open form and select Close all but [the active form] to keep only the current form on screen.
  10. Select Open default tabs to revert the open form tabs to those that you see when you start a new return. Select Open review tabs to display the set of forms saved for review purposes.
  11. Select Save current tabs as defaults or Save current tabs as review tabs to update the saved set of forms for preparing or reviewing a return.
    Screen Capture: Right-click on Form Tab

Form Tab Options

  1. If you have a file open, go to the File menu, then click Options. To open options from the Start screen, click Options in the blue bar on the left side.
  2. On the left side of the dialog box, expand Return Preparation and click on Edit.
  3. On the right-side, scroll down to the Tabs section.
  4. By default, you can close any tab by pressing the ESC key. Clear the check box to disable this behaviour.
  5. By default, open tabs are saved in the file so the same tabs appear the next time you open the return. Clear the check box to disable this behaviour.
  6. Set options for the position of newly-opened tabs.

Screen Capture: Form Tab Options