
Partner and Allocation Worksheets

Updated: 2023-05-02

Partner Information Worksheet

Enter the personal information for each partner on the Partner worksheet:

Screen Capture: Partner Information Worksheet

Partner Allocation Worksheet

Select an allocation method on the Allocation worksheet. The method you select here will apply to both T5013 and RL-15 slips.

Depending on the allocation method you choose, complete the related column(s) or worksheet(s):

  • Number of partnership units at fiscal year. This method uses the units to report percent ownership on slips and uses it to calculate the income allocated to each partner. Complete the columns for the beginning, acquired, disposed of and ending number of partnership units.
  • Accounting income allocated. This method uses the dollar amount to report the percent ownership on slips and uses it to calculate the income allocated to each partner. Complete the dollar value column.
  • Manual allocation of %. The percent entered is used to calculate the income allocated to each partner. Complete the percent column.
  • Manual allocation of amount. Enter the partnership share and allocated amounts directly on the T5013Partner worksheet (or RL15Partner worksheet).

Screen Capture: Partner Allocation Worksheet

Partner and Allocation Information on T5013 Slips

You can also complete or modify these fields on each partner's T5013Partner worksheet. Amounts automatically flow between the T5013Partner data entry slip and the Allocation worksheets.

Screen Capture: T5013Partner Slip