
File Information and History

Updated: 2023-11-13

File Information

  1. With a file open, click the File menu, then Info.
  2. Click the Folder icon next to the file path to open the folder where the file is saved.
  3. Click the Copy button next to the file path to copy the path to the clipboard.

Screen Capture: View File Information

Taxpayer Information

  1. With a file open, click the File menu, then Info.
  2. Click on the taxpayer name to see the workflow summary for the taxpayer. See the Workflow Groups and Tasks help topic.
  3. Click the Detach taxpayer button to move the taxpayer into a separate file.
  4. Check Show Workflow before saving to show File Information each time you save the file. 

Screen Capture: View Workflow Summary

File History

  1. With a file open, click the File menu, then Info.
  2. Click History to see an audit trail of actions for all taxpayers in the file, including the spouse and any dependants.
  3. Click the Copy button to copy the entire history to the clipboard.
  4. An entry is recorded for most actions performed in the file. Each history entry shows the:
    • Date and Time of the action.
    • Preparer performing the action.
    • The software Version used for the action.
    • A short description of the Event.
  5. Click the column headings to sort the entries.
  6. For transmission or electronic services attempts (such as EFILE and AFR), click the Save button to save a copy of the XML file transmitted or the response received.

Screen Capture: View File History

Linked Files

TaxCycle keeps track of the files related to the tax return. This includes the files a return was carried forward from (prior year file) and the DoxCycle file the return is linked to.

To see a list of these files:

  1. With a file open, click the File menu, then Info.
  2. Click Linked Files.
  3. Click the Open button to open the linked file.
  4. Click Refresh Carry Forward to update the carry forward.
  5. Click Remove link to sever the link to the file.

Screen Capture: View Linked Files