
Family returns

Updated: 2024-06-05

Prepare returns for all family members in a single TaxCycle file. Click a timestamp below to jump to a topic:

  • Couple taxpayer and spouse (1:59)
  • Add dependant information to a file (8:59)
  • Create family returns with full dependant tax information (14:54)
  • Coupling dependant returns (17:40)
  • Review and adjust optimizations (21:55)
  • Carry forward family files (25:47)
  • Detaching or uncoupling a return (28:27)
  • Joint and family summaries (30:47)
  • Joint and family letters and invoices (32:26)
  • Options to help with couples and family (35:16)
  • Transmit returns for a whole family (37:04)
  • Print returns for a whole family (39:50)

Date of broadcast: February 20, 2019
Presented by: Elizabeth Kohl