
TaxCycle 10.2.43964.0—Optional Download Release (revised)

This optional, download-only release includes technology changes to TaxCycle and recent customer requests.

Get this version as a full download from our website or a free trial. (To deploy auto-update files from your network, see the Auto-Update Files page.)

Release Highlights

End of Support for IE 11

Microsoft is discontinuing support for Internet Explorer 11 on its operating systems. From now on, TaxCycle will use Microsoft Edge to sign in to a TaxCycle Account, transmit slips (T4, T5, etc.) to the CRA, and send messages using e-Courier. 

Form Updates

  • T5013—Schedule 8 updated to the 2021 version.
  • Forms Module—GST159 updated to the 2021 version.

CO-17 Requirement to Attach Financial Statements and Notes

Revenu Québec recently communicated to us that preparers must attach a copy of a corporation’s financial statements and their notes when transmitting a CO-17 return. Previously, preparers were only required to attach the notes.

This new requirement is noted in the latest IN-417.A in section 2.3.

In TaxCycle T2, we have revised the wording in the CO-17 transmission step to reflect this new requirement:
Per IN-417.A, you must attach the financial statements and their notes

Customer Requests

  • T5013—Added a field to the T5013Partner worksheet for entering a Partner ID. The Partner ID is now part of the slip name in the Prepare sidebar and the slip drop-down menu. The new format prepends the Partner ID, in the following order: “T5013Partner - Partner ID - Entity/Individual Name, Entity Tax Number.” This change was requested by firms preparing returns where the same partner entity may have slips issued to different individuals, but the partner is the same entity for the slip (such as, one partnership but multiple slips within the same partnership). It provides a way to identify the individual to whom the slip is attributed. This field is shared with the RL-15 and slip name in the sidebar and drop-down menu. This field can also be added as an optional column on the Partner, Allocation and Slips summaries.
  • T2 Schedule 8—Added a new unspecified class for Timber limits and cutting rights to the class drop-down on Schedule 8 and the S8Asset.
    Timber limits and cutting rights

Template Changes

  • Added address snippets to 2021 T3 and T5013 modules and used those snippets to create an address label, and in the client and engagement letters.
  • Replaced the reference to {{Constants.CurrentTaxationYear}} with the corporate year end date, in the T2 client invoice. This applies to the 2020 and 2021 T2 modules.

Resolved Issues

  • Forms checklist not working correctly, as reported on
  • TP1 keying summaries TPF-1.U, TPF-1.W and TPF-1.X not being included in the Revenu Québec print set.