
Updates to Emails Sent by TaxFolder (March 18, 2021)

Based on your feedback, we have revised the content of the following emails sent by TaxFolder.

Account activation email

  • Clarified that an account is not required in order to sign a document. Activation is only required to upload documents or for convenient access to previously signed documents.
  • Improved directions for clicking the button to activate the account.
  • Added a message about not replying to the email address to get help.

Signature request email sent when requesting from TaxCycle

  • Moved the text that comes from the TaxCycle template to the top of the email so you can provide personalized instructions in your template for your clients to read before clicking the link to sign.
  • Improved directions for clicking the red button to sign or approve a document.
  • Added link to the instruction sheet.
  • Added a message about not replying to the email address to get help.

Signature request email sent when requesting from TaxFolder

  • Improved directions for clicking the red button to sign or approve a document.
  • Added link to the instruction sheet.
  • Added a message about not replying to the email address to get help.

Request document upload email

  • Added text with instructions to request a password if you can’t remember activating your account.
  • Improved directions for clicking the red button to sign in and upload documents.
  • Added link to the instruction sheet.