

TaxCycle 13.1.52339.0—T1 EFILE, T3 and T5013 Certification

The CRA and RQ have certified TaxCycle T1/TP1, T3 and T5013/TP-600 for filing 2023 returns when EFILE systems open on Monday, February 19, 2024.

release notes T1 TP1 EFILE NetFile T3 T5013 T2 T2 Schedule 63 T2SCH63 Climate Action Incentive
TaxCycle 11.1.46117.0—2021 T1/TP1, T3/TP-646 and T5013/TP-600 Ready for Filing

The CRA has certified T1 2021 for EFILE. 2021 T3, T5013 and Québec TP1, TP-646 and TP-600 returns are also ready for filing.

release notes TaxCycle EFILE T3 T5013 TP1 TP-646 T1 NetFile Québec TP-600