
Print/PDF a Form

Updated: 2024-01-11

  1. Open a form in TaxCycle.
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+P, click Print/PDF Form in the Tools menu, or right-click on the form and select Print/PDF Form.
  3. TaxCycle opens the Print/Generate forms dialog box. You can change the printer and output options there. These settings are the same as those in Print/PDF options. See Printer and PDF Output Options for a full list.
  4. To save these settings and use them every time you print just this form, click the link to Save these settings for this form.
  5. To save these settings and use them whenever you single-form print other forms in the tax return, click the link to Save these settings for all other forms. In both cases, saving these settings only apply to printing or quick printing a single form. It does not change the print configuration for print sets, or what you see when you go to the Print pane (Ctrl+P).
  6. Click the Print or Generate PDF button.


Quick Print/PDF

Once you save settings for printing a single form, you can quickly Print/PDF a single form in one step using single-form print settings:

  1. Open a form in TaxCycle.
  2. Press Ctrl+Alt+P or click Quick Print/PDF Form in the Tools menu.
  3. You can also right-click on the form and select Quick Print/PDF.
  4. The current form is printed based on the settings saved for single-form print (see above). You can see the progress in the monitor at the bottom of the sidebar.
