
View Client Documents Uploaded to TaxFolder

Updated: 2023-02-07

When your client uploads documents to TaxFolder, you will receive an email saying documents are waiting for you. Click the button in this email to sign in to TaxFolder and go straight to the client’s engagement.

  1. Scroll to the Client Files section in the engagement to see a list of the files uploaded.
  2. Click on a File Name to view a document.
  3. To select one or several documents in the list, check the box on the right side of the row. (You can select multiple files at once.)
  4. Click Delete to remove an uploaded file.
  5. Click Used/Not Used to mark files you used in the tax return. A green check mark appears in the Used column when you mark a document as used.
  6. Click Download to package the selected files in a zip file and download them to your computer.

Screen Capture: View Client Files in TaxFolder