
Notification Settings

Updated: 2024-03-22

From the Notification page in TaxFolder Account Settings, you can configure when to send clients automated emails based on your team’s actions, and when your team receives email notifications for actions taken by clients.

Notifications to Team Members

Check the boxes if you want to send email notifications to the team member assigned to the engagement:

  1. When a client uploads a new document. If the client uploads multiple documents in the same session, one email is sent for all the documents uploaded.
  2. When a preparer is assigned a client or engagement.
  3. When a note is updated for an engagement
  4. By default, when a client signs or approves a document, TaxFolder always sends a Document has been approved email to the team member assigned to the engagement and to the client.
  5. When a client clicks the “I’m finished” button in the Client Portal, TaxFolder notifies the preparer that the client has finished uploading documents and the engagement can be started.

Screen Capture: Notification Settings in TaxFolder

Notifications to Clients

Check the boxes if you want to send email notifications to the client:

  1. When a new client is added trigger an invitation to use TaxFolder. This check box works together with the “Invite new clients to TaxFolder” checkbox in the TaxCycle Printer and PDF Output Options (see TaxFolder Options in TaxCycle below). You must enable both options for new clients to receive an email invitation to create an account in TaxFolder when triggered by a request from TaxCycle.
  2. When your firm marks an engagement as complete.
  3. Default setting for “Ask client to upload documents” when you create a new engagement. Note that the client will receive an email notification if this box is checked, even if the option to upload documents is turned off in TaxFolder. 
  4. By default, TaxFolder always sends an email to the client when the following actions are taken:
    • New Document Approval Request—Triggers a signature or approval request.
    • Resend document request—Triggers the signature or approval request to be resent.
    • TaxFolder also sends an email to the client if the Preparer sets the document to “voided” or “completed manually.”
  5. Click Save Updates to save your changes.

Screen Capture: Client Notifications in TaxFolder

Default TaxFolder Options in TaxCycle

The TaxFolder page in TaxCycle Options allows you to show or hide check boxes on Printer and PDF Output Options.

Screen Capture: Service Providers | TaxFolder

  • By default, both options are enabled (checked), and the Invite new clients to TaxFolder and Ask clients to upload documents checkboxes show when printing a PDF to TaxFolder. You can then choose to send these email messages when printing to TaxFolder.
  • Disabling (clearing) either of these checkboxes in Options hides and disables the related checkbox on the printer/output dialog box. The two related email messages are NEVER sent to your clients.

To disable invitation emails for all new clients, regardless of what you set in options or when printing, change the setting in TaxFolder. See also Request Signatures via TaxFolder from TaxCycle.