
Updating Organization and Preparer Email and Phone Number in TaxFolder

Updated: 2024-03-22

Learn where to go to change an email address, a phone number of a staff member or an organization in TaxFolder.

TaxCycle Account Sign In

If you want to change the email address you use to sign in to TaxFolder to access the Preparer Dashboard, you must change the email address used by your TaxCycle Account.

Any changes you make there will also affect how you sign in to purchase TaxCycle, the email to which those purchases are sent and how you sign in to  

Team members must change their own TaxCycle Account email address. Admins cannot change this for them.

To access your TaxCycle Account from within TaxFolder, click on your email address in the top-right corner of the page, then select Your Profile.

Screen Capture: TaxFolder Account Profile

For full instructions, please see How to Change the Email Address Associated with Your TaxCycle Account.

TaxFolder Organization Email Address

You can also edit the email address used for notifications sent from TaxFolder. As an Admin, you can change the Organization Email address on the Organization page in Account Settings.

On the same page, you can also set the Organization Phone Number.

Admins can also change the email address that displays to the client from the Team page in Account Settings.

TaxFolder Preparer Phone Number

As a Staff member, you can also change your phone number to make it different than the organization phone number:

  1. Click on your email address in the top-right corner of the page, then select Settings.
  2. Team members with Staff profiles can only access the Preparer section. If you are a team member with an Admin role, you will be taken to the Organization section. Click on Preparer.
  3. Enter the new Phone Number.
  4. Click the Save button.

Screen Capture: Updating Staff Phone Number in TaxFolder