
Barcode Contents

Updated: 2024-04-25

View Contents of a Barcode

Hover over any bar code in TaxCycle to see its contents.

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Example: Barcode From the T1 Condensed

Screen Capture: Contents of T1 Condensed Bar Code

In the pop-up, you can see that the barcode contains the following personal information:

    • SIN (897275152)
    • Birth date (19891208)
    • Province or residence (AB, twice)
    • Spouse's SIN (897275153)
    • Spouse's name (Thom, short for Thomas)
    • Taxpayer's name (Sarah Sims)
    • Address
    • Postal code


  1. The rest of the information is line numbers followed by values, and separated by dashes. For instance, 3030014398 means line 303 contains a value of $14,398.
  2. Most of the fields are dollars only, except for fields that appear with dots to the right. These values are shown including cents. For instance, line 484 has a dot beside it on page 4 of the T1 Jacket. Thus, 48400450464 means that line 484 has a value of $4504.64.